Lithium-ion battery production

The production of cathode material requires temperatures of around 800 to 1,000 degrees Celsius in the calcination process. Also, the manufacturing process has to be designed and controlled to ensure exceptionally high purity levels in the cathode materials.

As with all industrial high-temperature production processes, the challenge for furnace operators is to maximize energy efficiency and productivity, while ensuring a consistent, high-quality cathode material.

Depending on the type of furnace, Globar® SiC heating elements and Fibrothal® heating modules can be used in cathode material production, where they offer the advantage of being able to control temperatures precisely. The Kanthal® Flow Heater can also be used to introduce heated gas into the furnace, which can help increase productivity even further.

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Globar® SiC-Heizelemente
Fibrothal® Heizmodule

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Reliable heating elements improve cathode production

Reliable heating elements improve cathode production

Kanthal’s Globar® SiC (silicon carbide) heating elements have been specifically engineered for high-tech applications with tough conditions, such as cathode material production. The substrate’s unique microstructure makes it more reliable and ensures consistency in quality.

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Effiziente und nachhaltige Heizprozesse sind von entscheidender Bedeutung, wenn die Lithium-Ionen-Batterieindustrie ihre Produktion ausbaut, um die schnell wachsende Nachfrage zu befriedigen. Die elektrische Heiztechnologie von Kanthal steigert die Energieeffizienz und Produktivität und reduziert gleichzeitig den Ausstoß von CO2 und NOx. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Vorteile für Ihren Prozessbedarf.

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