8 Treffer

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Nachhaltiges Geschäft

We will lead the shift in our industry and build a successful long-term business that advances the world through engineering.

Firmen Geschichte

Kanthal has a long heritage dating back to 1931 when it was founded by engineer Hans von Kantzow. The Kanthal name was derived from Kantzow (Kant) and the Swedish town of Hallstahammar (Hal) where AB Kanthal was started and continues to have its headquarters.


Kanthal is a global organization comprising two main business units serving a wide variety of applications: Heating Materials and Heating Systems.


Werden Sie Teil eines einladenden Arbeitsplatzes, an dem der Lernprozess der Mitarbeiter im Vordergrund steht. Bei Kanthal kombinieren wir solide Forschung und Kundenbetreuung, um die Entwicklung voranzutreiben und auf umweltfreundliche Ziele wie die Elektrifizierung hinzuarbeiten. Folgen Sie


We continue on developing new and game-changing materials and solutions for heating and heat treatment. We know heating technology and can truly say that innovation is part of our DNA.

Robust research

Research and development continuously strengthen Kanthal in our three core areas: heating systems, heating materials and medical fine-wire. By nurturing innovation we aim to contribute to a more sustainable world. ”Materials tell a story” In daily dialogue with colleagues in manufacturing,

Life at Kanthal

We invited our colleagues to explain what working at Kanthal means to them. And to offer you insight into what Kanthal could mean for your future career. “Trusting yourself is absolutely the most important thing.” During her first decade at Kanthal in Shanghai, Eva Huang has benefited from the


Kanthal is often on the lookout for new employees to keep production up to speed, strengthen research even further, and work towards green goals including electrification. View all our open vacancies There's nowhere else I would want to go One is a chemical engineer, the other has studied